Issue #4–CARRY

What are we carrying? How can we lighten our loads? Why are we so armed and guarded? Can we put down our weapons and carry each other instead? What makes a space safe for a community to thrive? What makes a body feel safe? Who will carry our future?

We are looking at these questions historically and from an international perspective. We are looking for art that is dreaming of a society where people have the autonomy to choose what is right for their bodies.

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Art Files: Holly Harris

Holly Harris is a painter and printmaker utilizing both text and imagery to link the physical and existential. Places and things she encounters are paired with the metaphysical ideas that occur in their presence.

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Art Files: Pablo Francisco Matute

Pablo Francisco Matute is a multidisciplinary artist living and working in South Florida. Inspired by the Caribbean and South American landscape of Miami, Matute uses his surroundings and personal experiences to create surreal images that reflect on the intimate moments of life, examining subjects such as the importance of family, community, and cultural identity.

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Art Files: Langdon Graves

Using sculpture and drawings, Langdon Graves creates a real yet surreal world layered with symbolism, building on her interest in storytelling and myths while exploring family legacy and age-based societal norms.

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Art Files: Trevor Coopersmith

Trevor Coopersmith creates painted objects, installations and organic wall-sculptures utilizing found and mixed media that emphasize a deeper emotional connection to nature.

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Art Files: Frida Braide

Frida Braide is a Scandinavian-born photographer and author based in Brooklyn, New York. She explores urban landscapes, architectural structures, and untouched accidental sculptures in those environmental settings.

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Art Files: Rachel Kalman

​Rachel Kalman is an observational still-life painter with a commitment to close-looking and foundational skills that guide her practice. She believes there is an ethic to observational painting in the sense that meaningful exchange occurs between painter and subject without any need for possession or ownership.

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Art Files: Kuan-Ya Wu

Kuan-Ya Wu is an installation artist based in San Francisco, California. Her research involves conversations about finding safe spaces and the idea of security and insecurities.

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Art Files: Anabel Hadad

Anabel Hadad is a painter and interdisciplinary artist who lives and works in Boston, Massachusetts. The figures in her work exist among their lingering perceptions, taking on anthropomorphic forms.

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Art Files: Aleena Sharif

Aleena Sharif’s work focuses on oil painting and almost exclusively nude female figures. The overall scaffolding behind her work is confronting negative connotations around the female body and body image.

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Art Files: Cheyann Washington

Cheyann Washington is a painter from Los Angeles, California. Represented by Wonzimer Gallery for the last two years, Washington's personal studies encapsulate the essence of human behavior and the figure as it mirrors nature.

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Art Files: Anna Kohlweis

Anna Kohlweis is an interdisciplinary artist merging writing, painting, music, fiber art, sculpture, video, and illustration.

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