Art Files: Holly Harris

Everything is See Through, Linocut relief print, 6 x 8 inches, 2023.

Picnic, Linocut relief print, 6 x 8 inches, 2023.

Gentle, Linocut relief print, 6 x 8 inches, 2023.

Wander, Diptych, Linocut relief print diptych, 6 x 8 inches each, 2023.

Wander, Diptych, Linocut relief print diptych, 6 x 8 inches each, 2023.

Holly Harris is a painter and printmaker utilizing text and imagery to link the physical and existential. Places and things she encounters are paired with the metaphysical ideas that occur in their presence. Much of Harris’ work illustrates her own grappling with the tensions of relationship: how we relate to self, to others interpersonally, and one another in a complex, globalized world. In sharing these works with others, she aims to provide solidarity that is part lament, part hope.





Art Files: Pablo Francisco Matute