
Story by Inge Flinte


Uchi (Japanese for home) arose out of a yearning to create a portrait of home: a portrait of its goodness and imperfections, one of feelings, colors, seasons, light, and food. I want to portray my multiple homes through the residue of life they contain.

My eye is drawn to things that are often ignored or looked over: a weed growing through the pavement, or the way pegs shimmer on a drying frame when the light hits them. The act of note-taking is where my studio practice begins. It is a continual process of collecting different marks, colors, and textures that populate my everyday life.

My eye is drawn to things that are often ignored or looked over: a weed growing through the pavement, or the way pegs shimmer on a drying frame when the light hits them.

My work originates from the journeys I take everyday: taking my children to school, an excursion to the playground, watching light pass through the leaves as I walk home from the market, the endless scuff marks on an old wall, the color of a flowering jacaranda against the bright blue sky. 

Inge Flinte is a painter and photographer based in Melbourne, Australia. She and her family are nomadic by circumstance; they've lived in five different countries. Flinte is the daughter of immigrant parents from opposite ends of the world, and as a consequence, her work is often centered around and plays with the idea of home.

ingeflinteart.com | @thinkingwithouttalking


Bubble Bath Bonding


Es Una Cruz Bien Dura A Cargar